From the time she was a little girl, Terri shied away from conflict, embraced peace and love.
Terri was the volunteer co-founderand executive director of the proactive, inclusive and transpartisan Arizona Department of Peace Campaign, from 2003-2009, which supported the creation of a Cabinet level Department of Peace in Washington, DC which would serve as an umbrella to support nonprofits already working to end violence in our communities. Marianne Williamson began this extraordinary campaign on the national level.
Terri with Marianne Williamson on the left, founder of the national Department of Peace Campaign
The history of the Department of Peace movement in our country goes back to 1773, when George Washington’s colleague Dr. Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of the Independence, called for a new Department of Peace in our country. Over the years, many bills have been introduced into Congress, supported by both Democrats and Republicans. The current version of the bill was originally introduced by former Congressional Representative Dennis Kucinich on July 11, 2001, TWO months before 9-11.
In Terri’s peace work, she was blessed to participate in profound activities including:
Leading volunteers to DC for Dept. of Peace conferences in 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009 plus one to Berkeley in 2004
Walking with the Japanese monks to extinguish the Atomic Flame at Trinity Test site, NM, 60 years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Co-founding Voices for Civil Dialogue to talk with people on both sides of the immigration aisle
Working together with the Arizona Interfaith Movement to bring Prayers for Peace, A Hug for the Capitol to the Arizona State Capitol in Phoenix, with hundreds of participants
Hosting monthly AZ Dept. of Peace meetings for 6 years, bringing informative and sometimes controversial speakers to the table
Working with bipartisan Arizona Legislators for 4 years to introduce a bill supporting the creation of a Cabinet level Department of Peace
Organizing annual International Day of Peace events on Sept. 21
Serving on the Phoenix Human Relations’ Commission and educating her colleagues and all citizens about the benefits of a Department of Peace
Dedicating Peace Poles, and seeing one in the Pentagon (Peace Poles are 8 feet tall, and say May Peace Prevail On Earth in over 300 languages. Anyone can make or buy one; they are all over the world, including the one which Terri’s family bought after 9-11, in their home. Peace Poles are on university campuses, in churches, schools, parks, Town Halls, Montessori schools. Terri’s AZDOP group donated one to the City of Phoenix. She saw her first Peace Pole in Hanalei, Kauai in January 1997.)
Terese (Terri) Donovan Mansfield
Terese Donovan Mansfield is the Executive Vice President for Fundraising in the Public Interest (FPI), founded by President and CEO Suzanne Mendelssohn, PhD, Earth’s only ETI obedience healer as well as science intuitive for tau neutrino zero point energy (ZPE).
Suzanne and Terese are to demonstrate that one can do advanced p.c. without family precedent and quite the contrary. This makes the case for obedience, for correct action received in psychicness in intention to do the will of God, and God's obedient ETI. The key point is that killer diseases frequently occur without any family history of such.
Terese & Suzanne are modeling p.c., postcentenarianship, intending to live in great health to 100 years and beyond using frequencies only and no medical model. For over 12 years Suzanne has been the source of the ETI frequencies which sustain Terese’s health, including healing from debilitating leg pain requiring use of wheel chair for several months, now pain free.
In addition, Terese is the Director of the ETI (Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Peace Task Force. The highly evolved contiguous universe ETI are nonviolent, obedient to God, and superior to all “celestials” in our universe. In this capacity she worked closely with the late Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell. They both agreed that humans will be allowed to be a space-faring species when we evolve to nonviolence.
As a universal diplomatic expert on peace, Terese co-founded the Arizona Department of Peace Campaign, AZDOP, which supports the creation of a cabinet level U.S. Department of Peace, which will research, articulate and facilitate inclusive and transpartisan peace-building in local and international communities dedicated to fostering nonviolence. Included in many of Terri’s peace distinctions are:
~Leading several AZDOP delegations to Washington, D.C. to meet with AZ Senators and Congressional Representatives and staff to discuss creation and implementation of the Department of Peace;
~Walking with the Japanese Monks to Trinity Test Site, New Mexico, to extinguish the Atomic Flame from Hiroshima, Japan, thus ending 60 years of nuclear violence on Earth;
Terese has a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Technology, specializing in biochemistry and neonatology. She also has background as Hospice staff and volunteer.
Terese is facilitating the creation of Interfaith Healing Centers in her two churches, one in Paradise Valley, Arizona and one on Kauai, Hawaii.
In 2018, Terese and her husband Mike celebrated 50 years of marriage.
Awards and Commendations:
Salutatorian ~ St. Pius X High School, Albuquerque, NM, Rotarian scholarship
Magna cum Laude ~ University of Albuquerque, Albuquerque, NM; full academic scholarship
Human Relations Commissioner ~ City of Phoenix
AZDOP (Arizona Department of Peace Campaign) Co-Founder & CEO
AZDOP Commendation Letters ~ State of Arizona & City of Phoenix
Peace Pole Representative ~ Goi Peace Foundation
Paradise Valley MLK Jr. Diversity Champion Award ~ Paradise Valley, AZ
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